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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Papers submitted to BJVM must be author's own work, must be novel, must not have been published elsewhere (except as an abstract or a brief report in conference proceedings) and must not be currently under consideration by any other journal.

Preparation of manuscripts

  • Manuscripts must confirm to these instructions and be written in English. Article must be double-spaced between lines and line numbered. The author should submit the manuscript through online submission system at http://www.ejmanager.com/my/bjvm.
  • File format acceptable for submission: MS word (.doc, .docx), RTF, Word Perfect.
  • The maximum word limit for a research article should be 4000 excluding references.
  • Review papers (maximum 5000 words excluding references) should be comprehensive within the area defines by its title, the structure should be logical and the citations should be subjected to critical appraisal which should extend to the methodology and statistical significance of results. In preparing a review, sound deductive and constructive processes should be used to produce valid, useful and clearly presented conclusions. The appropriate use of figures, tables, formulae and illustrations is encouraged. The objective must always be to produce a worthwhile addition to the body of available literature.

Format of articles
The text should be preceded by a page giving the full title of the article, the name of author(s), the name and address of the institution at which the work was conducted and a short version of the title ( running title ) of five words or less. The title page should also include the email addresses of all authors.

Manuscripts will be divisible into conventional form, which comprises the following sections.


Abstract should not exceed 400 words.

The abstract should have following subsections:

  • Background (context and purpose),
  • Methods: Brief methodology along with statistical tests used (if applicable),
  • Main results: main findings and
  • Conclusions (suggest the implications of your results)

A list of 3 to 6 keywords is to be provided directly below the abstract. Keywords should be different than title word or phrases.

This section should explain the background of the study, brief review of the relevant literature, the rationale to undertake this study and finally the objective (s) of the study.

Materials and Methods
A brief description of the materials used and methods followed to study the research work should be clearly stated with references. The study design, ethical approval number including committee name, calculation of sample size and use of statistical tests should be described properly when applicable.

Results and Discussion

The findings of the research works should be presented as results with the help of tables and figures. The data mentioned in the Tables and Figures should not be elaborated in the text. The research findings of the works should be discussed in relation to other published results.


The main conclusions and an explanation of the importance of the study should described in this section.

Please acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article but does not meet the criteria for authorship. If nobody to acknowledge, please write "Not applicable" in this section.


All sources of funding for the research reported should be declared along with the  funding agency or donor. The project number should also be mentioned if available.  The role of the funding body in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript should be declared.

Competing Interest

Competing interests may be financial or non-financial. A competing interest exists when the authors’ interpretation of data or presentation of information may be influenced by, or may be perceived to be influenced by, their personal or financial relationship with other people or organizations. Authors should disclose any financial competing interests but also any non-financial competing interests that may cause them embarrassment if they were to become public after the publication of the manuscript. If the authors do not have any competing interests, they should state "The authors declare that they have no competing interests" in this section.


  • Vancouver reference style should be followed for listing references.
  • Author-Year citation style should be followed in the text: for single author e.g., Islam (2003) [Islam, 2003: at the end of a sentence]; for two authors e.g., Rahman and Alam (2003) [Rahman and Alam, 2003: at the end of a sentence]; for more than two authors only by the first author followed by et al. and the year e.g.,  Ahmed et al. (2003) [Ahmed et al., 2003: at the end of a sentence].
  • When several citations are quoted consecutively in the text, the order should chronological and separated by a semi-colon, e.g., (Rahman et. al., 2012; Uddin et. al., 2014; Ahsan et. al., 2015)
  • Where citations are made to several articles by the same author in the same year, the year should be followed by a,b,c etc.
  • The citations should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the manuscript.
  • Example of listing references:

Article within a journal

Samad MA. Serological diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii associated with abnormal reproduction in Black Bengal goats. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 1992; 13(3): 217-220.

Article within a journal (without a page number)

Rahman AKMA, Islam SS, Talukder MH, Hassan MK, Dhand NK, Ward MP. Fascioliasis risk factors and space-time clusters in domestic ruminants in Bangladesh. Parasites & Vectors. 2017; 10(1):228.

Article within a journal by DOI:

Ssematimba A, Okike I, Ahmed GM, Yamage M, Boender GJ, Hagenaars TJ, Bett B. Estimating the between‐farm transmission rates for highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 epidemics in Bangladesh between 2007 and 2013;doi:10.1111/tbed.12692

Book chapter, or an article within a book

Wohlsein P, Saliki J. Rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants—the diseases: Clinical signs and pathology. In: Thomas B, Pastoret PP, Taylor WP, editors. Rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants. Oxford: Academic Press; 2006. p. 78.

Complete book, authored

Otto M, Radostits C, Kenneth W, Constable P. Veterinary Medicine: A textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 10th edn. London: Saunders Co. Ltd.;2006.

Online document

Anonymous. Livestock sector brief of Bangladesh. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2005. http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/resources/en/publications/sector_briefs/lsb_BGD.pdf.  Accessed 28 Nov 2015.

Units and abbreviations

Units and their abbreviations should be those approved by ISO (International Standard 1000 : 92 SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiplies and of certain other units). Abbreviation units of measure only when used with numerals.


  • Tables should be strictly limited in number.
  • Tables should be numbered and cited in the text in sequence using Arabic numerals (i.e. Table 1, Table 2 etc.).
  • Table titles should be included above the table, and legends should be included underneath the table.
  • Larger datasets, or tables too wide for A4 or Letter landscape page can be uploaded as additional files (as an Excel spreadsheet [.xls/.xlsx] or comma separated values [csv] files).

Illustrations, figures and photographs

  • Figures should only be included if they impart information not given in Tables.
  • In case of email or online submission, figures should be provided as separate files, not embedded in the main manuscript file.
  • Each figure of a manuscript should be submitted as a single file that fits on a single page in portrait format.
  • Multi-panel figures (those with parts a, b, c, d etc.) should be submitted as a single composite file that contains all parts of the figure.
  • Figures should be numbered in the order they are first mentioned in the text, and uploaded in this order.
  • Figures should be uploaded in the correct orientation.
  • Figure titles and legends should be provided in the main manuscript, not in the graphic file.
  • Figure keys should be incorporated into the graphic, not into the legend of the figure.
  • Each figure should be closely cropped to minimize the amount of white space surrounding the illustration.
  • Color figures should be saved in CMYK
  • Figure file format: TIFF, JPEG, EPS and BMP.
  • Figures size and resolution: 1000–1200 dpi for line drawings, 300 dpi for photographs and halftone images, and at least 600 dpi for combination figures.
  • To decrease file size: TIFF files should be saved with LZW compression (decreases file size without decreasing quality).

After accepting a manuscript, page proofs will be supplied to the corresponding author, whose responsibility is to liaise with co-authors in checking the proofs, but only errors in typing may be corrected at this stage. Additional matter or extensive alterations can be accepted only at the discretion of the Editor, and if they are accepted, a charge may be made consequently, the author(s) should ensure that the paper is submitted in its final form. Proofs must be corrected and returned within 10 days of receipt.

A copy of the Journal and 10 copies of offprints will be supplied free of charge to the corresponding author of the published article.

Publication charge

  • All Article: Taka 3000.00 per article (Life Member, BSVM), Taka 4000.00 (Non-Member) and US $ 100.00 per article (Foreign).
  • Account name: Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Medicine
  • Account Number: 0141101169517
  • Bank Routing No.:175612415
  • Pubali Bank Limited, Agri-Varsity campus branch, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Submission of papers

Papers for considerations should be submitted to:

The Managing Editor, through email (arahman_med@bau.edu.bd; editorbjvm@gmail.com) or through online submission system at:

Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh - 2202, Bangladesh
e-mail : arahman_med@bau.edu.bd; editorbjvm@gmail.com

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine (BJVM) upholds the highest standards of publication ethics and is committed to fostering a scholarly environment based on integrity and transparency. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal must ensure that their work is original, free from plagiarism, and does not involve any unethical practices. The research should adhere to ethical guidelines concerning animal welfare, particularly in fields like veterinary clinical medicine, laboratory animal medicine, and zoonotic diseases. BJVM promotes transparency in the publication process, requiring authors to disclose any conflicts of interest, funding sources, and contributions to the study. Manuscripts that involve human or animal subjects must comply with the ethical standards set by the relevant institutional review boards and committees, and authors must provide proof of approval where applicable.

Publication malpractice is taken seriously by the BJVM, and the journal adheres to stringent measures to prevent misconduct such as fabrication, falsification, and duplicate publication. All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process to assess the validity and integrity of the research. Any form of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and unauthorized data manipulation, will lead to rejection and may result in blacklisting of the author(s) from future submissions. The journal also requires authors to promptly correct any errors identified after publication. BJVM is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic publishing and works closely with authors, reviewers, and editors to ensure compliance with these ethical standards, fostering a trustworthy and reliable platform for advancing knowledge in veterinary medicine.

Peer Review Process of the Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine

Upon receiving a submitted manuscript, the Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine (BJVM) usee a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published research. The process involves the following stages:

  1. Initial Assessment by the Managing Editor
    After a manuscript is submitted, the Managing Editor conducts a preliminary check to ensure it meets the basic submission requirements, including adherence to the journal’s formatting and ethical guidelines. Once confirmed, the manuscript is assigned to an Associate Editor with expertise in the relevant field.

  2. Preliminary Screening by the Associate Editor
    The Associate Editor conducts an initial evaluation of the manuscript, which includes:

    • AI-Generated Content Detection: The manuscript is screened to identify any AI-generated content using appropriate detection tools, ensuring the authenticity of the submission.
    • Plagiarism Check: The manuscript is checked for plagiarism using reliable software to ensure the originality of the research. Submissions with significant overlap or unethical practices are immediately flagged and may be rejected [Turnitin].

    Only manuscripts that pass these screenings proceed to the next stage of the review process.

  3. Assignment to Reviewers (Single-Blind Review)
    The Associate Editor assigns the manuscript to at least one qualified reviewer, following the single-blind review format. In this approach, the reviewer’s identity is concealed from the author to maintain objectivity. The reviewer is selected based on their expertise in the subject area and is tasked with evaluating the manuscript for:

    • Scientific rigor and methodological soundness
    • Originality and significance of the research
    • Ethical compliance, particularly in studies involving animal or human subjects
    • Clarity and coherence of presentation
  4. Reviewer Feedback and Recommendations
    The reviewer provides detailed comments and recommendations, which may include:

    • Acceptance: If the manuscript meets all standards without requiring major changes.
    • Minor or Major Revisions: If the manuscript is promising but requires modifications to improve clarity, address methodological concerns, or strengthen the discussion.
    • Rejection: If the manuscript fails to meet the journal’s standards or exhibits significant flaws, including ethical violations or lack of originality.

    Decision by the Associate Editor
    Based on the reviewer’s comments, the Associate Editor evaluates the manuscript and makes one of the following decisions:

    • Request for Revisions: The manuscript is sent back to the author(s) with detailed feedback, outlining the necessary changes. The revised manuscript is typically reassessed by the Associate Editor and, in some cases, sent to the same reviewer for re-evaluation.
    • Rejection: If the manuscript fails to meet the journal’s standards, the Associate Editor communicates the decision to the author(s) with an explanation.
    • Acceptance: If the manuscript meets all quality and ethical standards, it is accepted for publication.
  5. Final Decision and Communication
    Once the Associate Editor reaches a final decision, the Managing Editor is informed. The decision is then communicated to the author(s), along with any additional instructions for finalizing the manuscript for publication.

  6. Post-Acceptance Process
    Accepted manuscripts undergo copyediting and formatting to ensure consistency with the journal’s style before publication.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.